We have so much appreciated the support we have had from so many people in Lubbock and West Texas over the past 10 years. Our center has affected the lives of so many people and has provided a special place where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can learn the transformative power of a peaceful loving mind. We will be able to do so by continuing to receive support from all who cherish having a Buddhist center in Lubbock.

Please consider making an end of the year donation to help support Dharma in West Texas. As an added benefit, this year only, many donors have an opportunity they have never had before to save on their taxes.
There are three ways in which you can donate:
1. It is very simple, just click the donate button below.
2. We would be happy to accept checks made payable to: Bodhichitta KBC. These can be mailed to 6701 Aberdeen, Suite 3, Lubbock, TX. 79424
Become a Member of Bodhichitta KBC
3. If you would like to become a sustaining member of Bodhichitta Kadampa Buddhist Center with a monthly contribution, please click here. You can set up an automatic monthly payment through PayPal that can be cancelled at any time.
We so much appreciate you considering our heartfelt request for support. From all of us, we want to wish you a happy, peaceful and safe holiday season.

Please add info@meditationinlubbock.org to your contacts to insure you are getting our emails.
Bodhichitta Kadampa Buddhist Center
6701 Aberdeen Street, No. 3, Lubbock, TX 79424
Tel: (806) 787-2499 | Email: info@meditationintexas.org
Member of the New Kadampa Tradition, the International Kadampa Buddhist Union
©2020 New Kadampa Tradition. All rights reserved. Sitemap