Life as Spiritual Path with Buddhist Teacher David Shea
Sunday Mornings, 10:30am – Noon
Life As A Spiritual Path: Discovering Inspiration & Motivation
During our meditation session we may experience a peaceful state of mind and develop many virtuous intentions, but if we forget them all as soon as we arise from meditation we shall not be able to solve our daily problems, nor make progress in our spiritual practice.
We must learn to integrate our spiritual practice into our daily activities so that day and night we can maintain the peaceful states of mind and pure intentions that we developed in meditation. In this way, all aspects of our life become our spiritual path.
Class format:
20 minutes guided breathing meditation
40 minute teaching
10 minute guided meditation on the teaching
10 minutes discussion
Everyone is welcome; just drop in to any class! For more information on attending any of our meditation classes, click here.
Cost | $10 per class, $5 for students ($0 if you are unable to pay due to lack of funds)
Location | BKBC, 6701 Aberdeen No. 3 (1 block SW Slide and Loop), Lubbock TX
For more information please call 806-787-2499 or email info@meditationinlubbock.org