Web Of Kindness with Buddhist Teacher, David Shea
January 18, 10:00am – 1:00pm
In this half day course, Buddhist teacher David Shea will explain how everything we have and everything we enjoy, even our very life, is due to the kindness of others. By meditating on this kindness, deep gratitude will spontaneously arise in our heart. In this way, we will see how joyful we can become through intentionally cultivating this gratitude in daily life. We will be inspired to give more energy in our spiritual activities, and experience a great joy and energy to benefitting others.
10:00am – 11:15am Session 1
11:15am – 11:45am Break
11:45am – 1:00pm Session 2
Cost: $20($15 students/seniors), refreshments provided
Everyone is welcome, no experience is necessary. For more information, info@meditationinlubbock.org, or call 806-787-2499.